About Peace Academy

The Academy of Peace in Beit Shama has 27 young citizens from Bednayel, Taraya, Tamnin, karak and Chmestar. These young participants meet to discuss their opinion and understanding about vital issues such as Citizenship and Conflict Resolution.


They also use the ICT to open discussions and debations about these issues.                              

These participants are very talented in different domains. Most of them participated in the paint exhibition revealing their understanding of peace through their paints.


They are participating in the" Host Program" in which these young people are going to visit other youngsters from different sects and regions.

They are also going to prepare a play reflecting what they have learned from the Academy and how their stand point to people from other sects and regions has changed.

Citizenship in the first place means belonging to a country, having rights and fulfilling duties. It is also handling the responsibilities of being an active citizen, who dares to ask, demand, and participate in every aspect of public concern.

Citizenship is not only paying the bills and taxes but also being concerned in the social, economical,and political concerns.